The following associates I have direct experience with that I personally and HIGHLY recommend as their integrity stands intact.
Why did The Queen's Code come into my life and why is it so important? Read more here Soul Journey's with Gaia: A Progressive Journey. From the brilliant works of Alison Armstrong, find out what The Queen's Code is, see if you are a Frog Farmer, and be the change in order to have supportive and fulfilling relationships, relating with cooperation and integrity, instead of competitive ones where men are emasculated and women are weakened, consciously or not.
For more information and a great story about Thermography, read my blog Soul Journeys with Gaia: A Progressive Journey. Martin Stivers II is a very knowledgeable, caring and trustworthy man who has been practicing Thermal Imaging for over 17 years. He is one of the best in his field and I highly recommend incorporating his work into your health care regime.