Once again at a crossroads
Between this world and that
Simply listening to the sway
Silently feeling
Leaning first to the left
Then to the right
Slowly, softly, breath in time
The moment drops
And it all falls away
Suddenly it is okay
To be nowhere, to do nothing
Allowing myself to sink
Deep into my womb
Further into the Earth
Melting into the void
Cradling in this vastness
Of the unknown Universe
In His Arms
In Her Womb
Blades of grass
Swish in the breeze
Rocks crumble to sand
These moments and days
Pass into years
One not more
One not less
Ever increasing in
Their presence
Radiance of Shadow and Light
Meaning Nothing
Meaning Everything
It is here
That I am still
Gaia Trojanowski
June 29, 2012
Between this world and that
Simply listening to the sway
Silently feeling
Leaning first to the left
Then to the right
Slowly, softly, breath in time
The moment drops
And it all falls away
Suddenly it is okay
To be nowhere, to do nothing
Allowing myself to sink
Deep into my womb
Further into the Earth
Melting into the void
Cradling in this vastness
Of the unknown Universe
In His Arms
In Her Womb
Blades of grass
Swish in the breeze
Rocks crumble to sand
These moments and days
Pass into years
One not more
One not less
Ever increasing in
Their presence
Radiance of Shadow and Light
Meaning Nothing
Meaning Everything
It is here
That I am still
Gaia Trojanowski
June 29, 2012