rei·ki ~ ˈrākē/
The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei which means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki which is "life force energy". So Reiki is actually "spiritually guided life force energy."
Reiki is a natural form of healing therapy that uses a non-invasive gentle touch and treats the whole person including Mind, Body, Spirit and Emotions. This form of therapy aims to increase energy levels and promote relaxation and wellbeing. It is technically not a treatment cure for illness or disease, but it can have a profound and lasting effect for the receiver promoting overall stress reduction and well being. That being said, many people have had miraculous and lasting healings and life changes with Reiki.
It is a simple, natural and safe self improvement tool that everyone can use. Reiki includes spirituality without religious dogma, it is "a healing technique based on the principle that the therapist can channel energy into the patient by means of touch, to activate the natural healing processes of the patient's body and restore physical and emotional well-being." It is common to feel an energizing "glow", feeling more peaceful, centered and grounded after a session from a practitioner, a remote session, or a self-session done by you on you.
The power of healing touch can be a sensitive subject, as some people fear touch and intimacy. If you are a person who is uncomfortable with touch for any number of reasons, Reiki is a good option to assist you in therapeutic healing both physically and emotionally. A session can be given fully clothed, establishing boundaries and promoting a sense of safety and trust, and can be done alone (remotely - where the Reiki practitioner sends the energy at a set time without ever having to be in the same room and you, the recipient relax into a meditative state to receive the energy), it can be practiced with the giver and receiver, and it can be practiced with others in the room if that feels more comfortable to the recipient. Your comfort and ability to relax is what will assist in co-creating the most beneficial session. Letting go of pre-conceived notions of what is going to happen is key, because it is the mastery of Our Creator that is really helping out!
There are many benefits of receiving Reiki, and is a great healing option when massage is contraindicated, especially when recovering from burns, topical and contagious infections, thin and weak skin from aging and/or illness, sensitivity to touch and massage palpations, etc.
~ Balances the energies in the body
~ Aids in meditation and positive thinking
~ Promotes creativity
~ Relieves pain
~ Releases blocked and suppressed feelings
~ Heals holistically
~ Enhances personal awareness
~ Promotes natural self healing
~ Relaxes and reduces stress
~ Clears toxins
~ Strengthens the immune system
~ Balances the body's organs and glands
~ Adapts to the natural needs of the receiver
Having spent the last decade and more in intense personal growth, energy training and soul embodiment, I am clear, open and focused to hold Divine space. It is not me who is the Healer, it is You. It is you committing to and taking responsibility and humble action to be vulnerable with yourself and your Creator.
Click here to read about the philosophy of You as Your own Healer.
$75 - $100 suggested exchange per hour for most services. Generally an hour is plenty for a complete Reiki session. These prices also reflect the cost of my training, overhead and business expenses, and you are always welcome to donate more if you feel called to. Ask about concessions or a fair exchange trade if you are called to heal yourself, but cannot financially afford to at the moment. Be honest and with integrity for maximum results...
$120 plus $25 travel - for outcalls - where I come to your house.
Please call, text or email with any questions and to schedule your personalized session, or click here to contact us.
Gaia Bowen
[email protected]
Testimonials from clients who have previously worked with, and are continually working with Gaia.