Lomilomi Haloa
"Lomilomi Haloa is not another bodywork technique. It is an amazing way to remember who we are in the fullness of our being and live that. Our body is the holder of memory and energy, the Sacred Temple of our unlimited Divine Self. In Lomilomi Haloa we honour and love our Sacred Body Temple deeply, clearing old limitations and patterns cellularly, opening the way to experience our Greater LIfe. With this opening we are a vessel for the pure love, aloha and Divine Light to flow freely through us, and out into the world. "
~ Kumu Iolani Grace, Hawaiian Temple Bodywork
Mahalo Iolani Grace, for bring forth these teachings over the past 30 years, and sharing them with your ever expanding ohana. I am blessed to be a part of your trainings, showing up in this Sacred Journey together to fulfill our unique Divine Purpose in the world.
Dancing saved my life emotionally, allowing me to explore, sound and dive farther into my body, getting real with my physicality, essentially coming back down to Earth. The rhythms, movements, open expressions, sounding, deep trance and meditative states are all allowed and come through when I work with your body, opening up and expanding layer by precious layer.
The Lomilomi that moves through me is like a 5 Rhythms dance on your body! Flowing to Staccato to Chaos to Lyrical and into the Stillness, where you can breathe the energy of Nature and the Universe into every one of your cells, feeling the journey as your muscles and joints are stretched, inviting Divine energy to pour into the space between. Allow the music, a unique playlist chosen every single time for your individual journey, to guide you into the space of letting go, and letting your soul shine through. Your body's innate wisdom already knows what to do.
I particularly LOVE the long ceremonial sessions. You are giving me the most fantastic gift by allowing me to give all that I am, and all that wishes to flow through me to you and hold you in the space of incredible nurturing Love and Reverence. Ceremony of life is for each moment, slowing down, relaxing, breathing into each moment and embodying all that is present. Self love is about allowing ourselves to be humble enough to give back to ourselves. When we are strong, solid and vulnerable within, we are in a wonderful space to be a blessing to all of the amazing beings in our lives.
I am not your healer, you are.
Into our journey, with humble grace, presence and reverence, I bring Makaukau, Kokua and Ha'aha'a nui.
Makaukau - Always being ready and prepared at any given moment.
Kokua - To help at the time of need: to offer one's whole self when needed.
Ha'aha'a - To always remain humble in the Divine Spirit within yourself.
The Lomilomi that moves through me is like a 5 Rhythms dance on your body! Flowing to Staccato to Chaos to Lyrical and into the Stillness, where you can breathe the energy of Nature and the Universe into every one of your cells, feeling the journey as your muscles and joints are stretched, inviting Divine energy to pour into the space between. Allow the music, a unique playlist chosen every single time for your individual journey, to guide you into the space of letting go, and letting your soul shine through. Your body's innate wisdom already knows what to do.
I particularly LOVE the long ceremonial sessions. You are giving me the most fantastic gift by allowing me to give all that I am, and all that wishes to flow through me to you and hold you in the space of incredible nurturing Love and Reverence. Ceremony of life is for each moment, slowing down, relaxing, breathing into each moment and embodying all that is present. Self love is about allowing ourselves to be humble enough to give back to ourselves. When we are strong, solid and vulnerable within, we are in a wonderful space to be a blessing to all of the amazing beings in our lives.
I am not your healer, you are.
Into our journey, with humble grace, presence and reverence, I bring Makaukau, Kokua and Ha'aha'a nui.
Makaukau - Always being ready and prepared at any given moment.
Kokua - To help at the time of need: to offer one's whole self when needed.
Ha'aha'a - To always remain humble in the Divine Spirit within yourself.
Kuleana is the Hawaiian word for "Our place of responsibility. Being fully responsible and accountable for all aspects of our Being, our Life, and our experience (our thoughts, feelings, spoken words, actions, commitments, ohana - family, the Earth, etc.)"
Thank you to Kumu Ionlani Grace for the definitions and teaching me about the sacred depth of Hawaiian language.
Thank you to Kumu Ionlani Grace for the definitions and teaching me about the sacred depth of Hawaiian language.