Any Given Day
WOW darling
I can feel you
this hug
this breath
this kiss and dance with life
in your nakedness
complete with transparency
courage overcomes all fear and doubt
there are no more barriers
no boundaries in which to be ruled by
just the grand chaos of creation
the creativity of imagination flowing
no wars
no stars
no universe
no bars
just the game
of capture the flag
the making of warriors
in our own zigs and zags
telling the truth
can only set free
the tumultuous lies
living inside of me
the untruths that once were so real
that guided my life
that had me in tears
that caused so much strife
when I put them aside
and pretend they are not there
to others it seems
I'm walking on air
but really it's painful
lying on sharp glass
the shards they rip and shred
leaving me as good as dead
not sure what to do
can be a good thing
letting go of control
letting God spread your wings
it's here in this space
complete in its grace
that the song of your life
finds its safe place
it calls to be sung
quite loud and quite fun
where the earth meets the sky
and heaven is met by the sun
life is for nothing
all the lesson's we've learned
if we can't feel the joy
or the love we have yearned
no one is required
to give anything at all
to make your life better
to help you stand tall
the gifts that I bring
are on offer for free
as one owes nothing
so simple you see
by trying to get
we don't get to give
such a terrible way
this suffering we live
for give means to give
as you once did before
when your heart danced in joy
before being squashed on the floor
rise up once more
only after your fall
give as before
or don't give at all
to live life half assed
in the numbness between
neither full white
nor the full black
will be the grey
often mistaken for green
the green of the grass
that seems to be more
we sell ourselves short
becoming the whore
the sirens they beckon
how much can we take
before we realize
it's our own lives at stake
will you jump up and off
the proverbial cliff
or will you stay in the life
that keeps you quite stiff
zombie like movements
walk the living dead
it's enough for some
or so it is said
grief and forgiveness
don't say anymore
these aren't the things
you can buy at the store
no plastic planet
resides in this place
the place of the heart
who can love with such grace
the tears of acceptance
received with such love
the path of sacred tears
from heaven within and above
the fierce tenacity
of holy desire
will tear the masks off
with Love's eternal fire
the flame of such passion
cannot be tamed
but can be danced with
in this funny life game
to be so spiritual
without any joy
is missing the point
just ask any girl or boy
we all have what it takes
to surrender to love
out of our heads
comes peace with the dove
don't try to shake it
it's all very real
just listen to yourself
in order to heal
commit to the quiet
don't speak for a day
listen to yourself
not even to what I say
God speaks to you
of this I know
this intimate connection
is the way to go
no one else matters
at the same time they do
write your own story
no one else can be you
or vise versa for that matter
oh can't you see
why live as someone
you'd rather not be?
take a deep breath
come back into life
enough with the stories
you've had enough strife
don't be so gentle
power through the fear
burn with desire
and feel your life here
shakti she shows us
the chaotic play
shiva's mind balances
as he leads the way
together they make
the perfect team
sometimes in quiet
sometimes with a scream
play with this fire
and let it burn
it's fierce inspiration
will make your life turn
then in the waters
it'll be time to flow
don't try to resist
when control finally lets go
see what can happen
are you going to die
life passes through us anyway
in the blink of an eye
what have you to show for it
a life that's been fake
to live in reality
what's it going to take?
are you willing to go there
to surrender to you
just being crazy cuz it's fun
not normal or cool
take the ultimate chance
to live like a fool
who cares what others
might think or might say
who knows perhaps
you'll inspire them in some way
Namaste dear fool
I love you today
I'll love you tomorrow
and more the next day
your life lived as transparent
as your talent with art
such a gift to waste
with a closed off broken heart
bleed through your painbrush
let your heart fully free
the true colors that shine
the ones the rest of us already see
Gaia Trojanowski
April 17, 2014