The 7 Sound and Light Codes of the
The "I AM" LIGHT BODY Workshop
$333 - ish
Bring your own lunch, the kitchen is also available for your use.
Please dress comfortably and bring a yoga mat for the breathwork practices, and feel free to bring anything else that makes you comfortable to be in a meditation posture.
There will be couches and chairs available to use.
This workshop will include breathwork and meditation practices with Aramaic sounds that lead you into various activation's that your body mind soul is ready to receive.
Please arrive at least 15 mins early each day so you may get settled in and we can start on time.
An excerpt from the I AM book written by Padma Aon Prakasha:
‘All is one, and all is contained in "I AM".
~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
The 7 Great Mantras ‘’I AM’’ shared by Christ Yeshua encoded into the Gospel of John are secret teachings hidden in plain sight, as the best secrets are. The I AM Mantras are designed to guide people into the I AM: the gateway into the One in all. These Heart-powered Sound and Light technologies share the experiential science of how consciousness embodies with the nervous system and lightbody.
This exquisite light engineering fueled by love ignites the infrastructures and flows within you for Awakening, and are the organic natural flows of light of the Human Blueprint within the physical body. Human and Divine meet, merge and are grounded as one flow in these 7 Codes of I AM.
Christ Yeshua gave us these technologies through sound as they are the most direct, easy and accessible ways for us to tune into these Unity Grids. As he said, ‘’my yoke is easy,’’ and these 7 I AM Codes embody the Self that Yeshua was pointing towards in his teachings.
‘All is one, and all is contained in "I AM".
~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
The 7 Great Mantras ‘’I AM’’ shared by Christ Yeshua encoded into the Gospel of John are secret teachings hidden in plain sight, as the best secrets are. The I AM Mantras are designed to guide people into the I AM: the gateway into the One in all. These Heart-powered Sound and Light technologies share the experiential science of how consciousness embodies with the nervous system and lightbody.
This exquisite light engineering fueled by love ignites the infrastructures and flows within you for Awakening, and are the organic natural flows of light of the Human Blueprint within the physical body. Human and Divine meet, merge and are grounded as one flow in these 7 Codes of I AM.
Christ Yeshua gave us these technologies through sound as they are the most direct, easy and accessible ways for us to tune into these Unity Grids. As he said, ‘’my yoke is easy,’’ and these 7 I AM Codes embody the Self that Yeshua was pointing towards in his teachings.
During the 2.5 days of this workshop, we will be diving into the following practices and experiencing the:
7 Somatic Embodiment Bridges between self and SELF
by Christ Yeshua
7 Somatic Embodiment Bridges between self and SELF
by Christ Yeshua
I AM the Bread of Life
I AM the Light of the World
I AM the Door
I AM the Good Shepard
I AM the Resurrection and the Life
I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life
I AM the First and the Last
I AM the Light of the World
I AM the Door
I AM the Good Shepard
I AM the Resurrection and the Life
I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life
I AM the First and the Last
Why I AM sharing this workshop:
In one of the meditation practices during the Shiva's Hologram course I attended with Padma as our guide, I was taken into a castle "in the sky". There were many women surrounding me dressed in pearlescent peach, soft pink and whites with gold accessories, embodying and symbolizing for me the Divine Feminine, and for as many women were present, there were just as many rooms in this castle. Christ Yeshua was standing in front of me, silently beckoning me with his intense gaze, eyes fixed on mine. There is no other way to describe it except that I was in the presence of nothing but LOVE. Tears started streaming down my face and I knew I was home.
When I shared this with Padma, he told me the timing of this vision was clear and in alignment with God's timing as he was already in the process of putting together another workshop based on the final I AM teachings of Christ Yeshua. There was no doubt that I was on board, ready, willing, and desiring more and more Christ Consciousness to lead my life.
After the first I AM workshop Padma held, I knew in my heart of hearts that this information and these practices are right for me to also share. Padma then put together a teacher's training with a few beautiful souls, and now this work is being shared again far and wide, from USA to England, Holland and will continue beyond to many countries I am sure.
Over the years my dedication to my path has cleared out what does not serve Love, and life is ultimately simple when I'm focused on serving the will of God. I am truly humbled and honored to share these particular I AM teachings with you in a simple workshop format. These practices offer a direct connection between you and the Divine, and can show you the next steps in your life...and then more!
I have been studying with Padma Aon Prakasha for over 16 years and have worked diligently to move from Ego to Soul, and ever more from Soul to God. Those of you who have experienced my bodywork may attest to how this Divine presence shows up in our sessions, creating a safe, nurturing and loving place that reminds us of home ~ the home that is God, Divine, the Universe, Creator, and ultimately LOVE. The Love that is always available to us as soon as we ask for it.
If I had an intention or agenda for sharing this work with you it would be to help you embody the Divine so this guides your Will, your Actions, your Life, and that you are moving with Love in all that you BE and all that you do.
I invite you to join me for this upcoming workshop, brave soul, to experience the simplicity of Divine Love, embrace ALL of your I AM, anchor and embody this in your SELF and move through life in LOVE.
Registration will open up again when the next date/time is announced.
(An extra $11 is charged to cover the credit card processing fees).
Or ~ use my Venmo code below to pay $333 (please pay as as a friend. If you select business transaction for Venmo, please add $11 to cover the extra fee Venmo charges).
Or ~ cash is also great!
I look forward to being in the I AM with you!
Please let me know if you can put together a group of 10-20 people and I will travel to share a workshop in your area. Contact me directly for logistics and more information.
In one of the meditation practices during the Shiva's Hologram course I attended with Padma as our guide, I was taken into a castle "in the sky". There were many women surrounding me dressed in pearlescent peach, soft pink and whites with gold accessories, embodying and symbolizing for me the Divine Feminine, and for as many women were present, there were just as many rooms in this castle. Christ Yeshua was standing in front of me, silently beckoning me with his intense gaze, eyes fixed on mine. There is no other way to describe it except that I was in the presence of nothing but LOVE. Tears started streaming down my face and I knew I was home.
When I shared this with Padma, he told me the timing of this vision was clear and in alignment with God's timing as he was already in the process of putting together another workshop based on the final I AM teachings of Christ Yeshua. There was no doubt that I was on board, ready, willing, and desiring more and more Christ Consciousness to lead my life.
After the first I AM workshop Padma held, I knew in my heart of hearts that this information and these practices are right for me to also share. Padma then put together a teacher's training with a few beautiful souls, and now this work is being shared again far and wide, from USA to England, Holland and will continue beyond to many countries I am sure.
Over the years my dedication to my path has cleared out what does not serve Love, and life is ultimately simple when I'm focused on serving the will of God. I am truly humbled and honored to share these particular I AM teachings with you in a simple workshop format. These practices offer a direct connection between you and the Divine, and can show you the next steps in your life...and then more!
I have been studying with Padma Aon Prakasha for over 16 years and have worked diligently to move from Ego to Soul, and ever more from Soul to God. Those of you who have experienced my bodywork may attest to how this Divine presence shows up in our sessions, creating a safe, nurturing and loving place that reminds us of home ~ the home that is God, Divine, the Universe, Creator, and ultimately LOVE. The Love that is always available to us as soon as we ask for it.
If I had an intention or agenda for sharing this work with you it would be to help you embody the Divine so this guides your Will, your Actions, your Life, and that you are moving with Love in all that you BE and all that you do.
I invite you to join me for this upcoming workshop, brave soul, to experience the simplicity of Divine Love, embrace ALL of your I AM, anchor and embody this in your SELF and move through life in LOVE.
Registration will open up again when the next date/time is announced.
(An extra $11 is charged to cover the credit card processing fees).
Or ~ use my Venmo code below to pay $333 (please pay as as a friend. If you select business transaction for Venmo, please add $11 to cover the extra fee Venmo charges).
Or ~ cash is also great!
I look forward to being in the I AM with you!
Please let me know if you can put together a group of 10-20 people and I will travel to share a workshop in your area. Contact me directly for logistics and more information.