Simple Purpose:
Balancing and healing remedy for all types of female reproductive issues.
Crystals Included:
1) Blue lace Agate - Calming and Cooling to heated red energies and their accompanying thoughts and emotions. Stone of Peaceful expression.
2) Boji Stone - Clears, aligns and balances all the energy bodies, chakras and meridians. Balances the Feminine and Masculine polarities of self. Integrates and Grounds the mothering of the earth.
3) Chrysocolla - Most Feminine of all stones. Treats all female reproductive issues. Tonic for all phases of womanhood. Powerful hormone balancer.
4) Crocoite - Enhances and stimulates sexuality with understanding. Aids the movement from one state to another. Increases Fertility. Balances hormone levels.
5) Moonstone - Balances and heals the Emotional by placing them under the control of the high self. Aids in embracing the cycles of life. Stone of Goddess integration and feminine self embrace. Balances the Hormones and Increases all aspects of Mothering.
6) Pearl - Stone of Mothering, Peace and Purity. Carries one, from the animalistic to the most spiritual levels of self , then aids in staying there. Aligns one to the cycles of the moon, the lunar energies.
7) Peridot - Removes Stress and Tiredness. Bringer of Joy. Regenerating to the body. Opens and Cleanses the Heart and Solar Plexus. Teaches Patience. Allows one to understand life changes. Regulates life's cycles on all levels.
© 2013, Justin Moikehar Asar
15 ml Bottle of Cycles Combination Liquid Crystal Dose Remedy
Purchase a 15 ml bottle of
Cycles Combination Liquid Crystal dose
remedy from:
Gaia El Aon, Advanced TLC Practitioner
Personally made from Gaia's stock set
Ships from Truckee, CA ~ USA in 24-48 hours
*Actual crystal specimen not included, photos of crystals are for visual connection only. Only The Liquid Crystal 15 ml bottle will be included.